3 Foolproof Ways to Maintain Confidence in a Crisis!

woman stands facing backward gratitude life in beautiful sunny sky
by Jodie Bruce-Clarke

The world is changing daily, and never more than it has been recently.

We’re all working, socialising and existing in new ways that we’ve never experienced before and we all KNOW that with change, comes uncertainty and fear – the killers of confidence.

So here are 3 foolproof ways to maintain your confidence during a crisis, to ensure that you continue to be the best version of yourself.

1. Keep connecting

This truly is the BEST way to maintain the levels of confidence that you need to continue living your best life in a constantly evolving world of challenging situations.

And there are now more platforms than ever to be able to do this effectively!

Convert your regular catch-ups with friends, to virtual coffee dates and add a twist by picking a different fun theme each time.

Maintain your professional contacts by connecting on whichever platform is most available to you, because when we start to come out of this chaotic time, THESE are the people who will help you get back on your (professional) feet.

And when all else fails (or your internet’s a bit sketchy) pick up the phone and call a friend.

In an environment where social distancing is the rule and isolation is the norm, remember to ALWAYS make time for the people who mean the most to you.

Woman Connecting Via Computer

2. Stay focused

Yes, everything is different now, but that doesn’t mean that YOU have to change, or that you have to compromise your long term goals and dreams.

Find daily ways to keep doing your thing – whether it’s personally or professionally.

Gyms may be closed but exercising and staying fit and healthy is not impossible.

Some of you may be trying to juggle work AND kids, all from the confined space of your home. BUT this is also an opportunity to spend quality time with the people you love the most.

You know all those times you’d wished you could’ve gotten home from work a little earlier to spend time with your loved ones?! Well, here’s your chance to make it happen!

Write lists, have a schedule, get advice from others who are achieving what you want to achieve and then… just do it.

Being in action, and the sense of accomplishment you get from achieving your goals is a great way to keep your confidence intact. So, adjust your course if you have to, change your methods if need be, but always try to stay focused on your end goal. This too shall pass.

Being in action, and the sense of accomplishment you get from achieving your goals is a great way to keep your confidence intact.

3. Don’t believe everything you hear (or read)

In a world where information on EVERYTHING is available with just the click of a button, it’s very easy to get caught up in the crazy vortex that comes from being OVER-INFORMED.

AND there’s absolutely NO NEED to completely immerse yourself in the data around how many people died in every foreign country this week, or how many parents are #winning at the whole ‘home-learning’ thing.

Stay informed by going to reliable sources of information but do your best to remove yourself from the constant barrage of too-much-information.

The daily detailed data around how many people have died at any given moment around the world is crucial, but only to those people who need to know, to make necessary changes.

And the local school mum who’s posting EVERY SINGLE DAY about baking, painting, teaching, working and exercising… all whilst maintaining an immaculate house… will do NOTHING to help you with your own self-confidence.

In fact, it WILL do the exact opposite. The more you expose yourself to everyone else’s heavily-filtered highlight reels on social media, the more likely you are to start experiencing feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem and disappointment.


Remember, everyone is running their own race and what works for one person, may not be right for you. So just stay in your lane, take care of yourself and your family, and focus on what works best for you, NOT what everyone else is doing.

Mum and Bub focusing on what's best

By keeping these 3 tips front of mind, you’ll stay grounded and focused, and you’ll give yourself the BEST chance to maintain your confidence and continue to achieve in the areas of your life that are important to you.

x Jodie

Find out more about the author Jodie Bruce-Clarke, here.

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